India today said that the country's national position wasand remains that matters related to Kashmir are "entirely an internalmatter", after a rare closed door meeting at the United Nations SecurityCouncil to discuss New Delhi's move to end the special status of Jammu andKashmir.
The meeting was called after Pakistan -- backed by itsall-weather ally -- China, requested "closed consultations" on theissue.Syed Akbaruddin, India's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to theUN Security, said the government is committed to gradually removing allrestrictions in Kashmir and the government is undertaking steps towardsnormalcy."Prevention is better than cure. Measures we took were preventivein nature. These efforts sometimes lead to restrictions. There was not onefatality," Mr Akbaruddin told reporters at the UN."These have noexternal ramifications, the recent decisions taken by the Government of Indiaand our legislative bodies are intended to ensure that good governance ispromoted, social economic development is enhance for our people in Jammu andKashmir and Ladakh," he said.Taking a swipe at Pakistan, Mr Akbaruddinsaid Islamabad should stop terror and start talks. He said Pakistan was tryingto project an alarmist approach to the situation which is far from groundrealities. "Of particular concern is that one state is using terminologyof 'jihad' against and promoting violence in India including by theirleaders," he said.
The outcome of the UNSC meeting will not be a formalpronouncement as the consultations are informal in nature. India and Pakistandid not attending the meeting, which was open only to the five permanentmembers and 10 non-permanent members.The Chinese ambassador to the UnitedNations said that members of the UNSC generally feel both India and Pakistanshould refrain from taking unilateral actions over Kashmir. The situation inKashmir is "already very tense and dangerous," said Chineseambassador Zhang Jun.China is a permanent member of the UNSC and a close allyof Pakistan.
On August 5, India ended special status to Jammu and Kashmirunder Article 370, and said it would be split into two Union Territories --Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh.Russia's deputy permanent representative, DimitryPolyanskiy told reporters before entering the meeting room that Moscow's viewis that it is a "bilateral issue" between India and Pakistan.
He said the meeting was being held to understand what ishappening. "That's what closed consultations are for. What does Russiathink the next step should be- we favour bilateral track between India andPakistan. You know our position. It hasn't changed. Today, we have closedconsultations and we will just exchange opinions and see what we can do andwhat we cannot do. It is a normal process."
When asked if Russia was concerned over the tense situationbetween India and Pakistan, he said, "we are very much concerned. We hopeto avoid it."
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